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The Latest Book 
from Brenda Ellis

When you are a schoolteacher, you have an entire community that understands what you do for a living--the good days and the bad ones. There is something universal about working in a school, no matter where you live. Homeschool parents have such unique experiences that they often don’t feel the same sense of belonging. Everyone likes to know they aren’t alone. This book will encourage homeschool parents and help them understand that we all have these days. 

Homeschool Days book cover-3.A.png

A book of poetry!

Available on Amazon now!


Keep Up With Author Brenda Ellis 

Press Release

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Cover of book Cassie, Who Is Sometimes Sassy

Cassie, Who Is
Sometimes Sassy
by Brenda Ellis

Get the first book published by Brenda Ellis! 

Available on Amazon.


Meet The Author

When I was a little girl, I really wanted to be a telephone operator. You know, the lady who got to plug all those little cords into the switchboard? After my dad dashed my dreams by telling me it was all done by computers, I decided to be a teacher. I have taught in public school, preschool, and homeschool for over 25 years. I have read thousands of books to children (and love doing it!). I have had hundreds of ideas for writing books of my own. This time, my dreams will not be dashed. doesn't involve plugging little cords into a switchboard, but it does involve writing books.


I published my first book (a children's book), Cassie, Who is Sometimes Sassy, in 2022. My second book, Homeschool Days: A Look Back at Nearly 20 Years of Homeschooling, is a poetry book released in August of 2024. Subscribe below and keep up with my latest projects. 


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Free Lesson Plans

Teachers, starting your school year with lessons from Cassie, Who Is Sometimes Sassy can help start your year off right! Spending a little time learning about polite words, kindness, and good manners help set the right tone in your classroom. 


These FREE lesson plans are intended to use with pre-K through 2nd-grade levels. There are also some free printables to go along with the book and lesson. You are welcome to use these in your classroom, or share this website with a friend.  Have a great school year!

front cover of book Cassie, Who Is Sometimes Sassy

Free Lesson Plans---->

Free Printables ----->

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