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Our Homeschool Lately and a Word of Encouragement

Writer's picture: Brenda EllisBrenda Ellis

We are in the middle of week 4 of school and we started the week with a sick student. So, she lay on the couch Monday and Tuesday morning. However, we were able to get history done, as all she has to do is listen. We also got lots of read aloud time in. This morning we are back at it and just picking up where we left off in other subjects. There is not usually "make up work" in homeschool, unless your student is in a co-op, outside class, or in high school with a deadline.

This is the spore print we made from the mushroom in our yard. We used black and white paper to see which looked better. We have about wrapped up our mushroom unit. She already knew a lot about them but learned a bit more about taxonomy, fungi in general, and the correct name for all the parts. It was not a terribly intense unit, but it was a good way to kick off the year because it was high interest. Today, we will turn in the mushroom books to the library, cook some mushrooms for dinner, and pick up books for our next unit!

We've been busy with our American Heritage Girls troop. Besides regular meetings once a week (she missed this week because she was sick), we have had a few days to work in the garden doing service projects. It's too hot for this nonsense. I'm ready for fall!

She also got to volunteer at the library at a big weekend event. She got service hours and a cool experience. She's a great library volunteer. We love our library!

We've been doing a cool Bible study in school as well. We are going through the people mentioned in Hebrews 11--sometimes called "The Hall of Faith." I created a printable unit to go along with the study, and as we use it, I'm making some corrections and tweaks. I will have it available for purchase and download soon. If you have a student who enjoys learning with art, this one will be for you!

And now a word of encouragement:

I hope your school year is going well and is full of various activities. Don't be a slave to the table/desk and textbooks and worksheets/workbooks! Get up and DO. GO. LEARN. EXPLORE. I know...I know it feels like you need to finish what the curriculum-makers say you do but intertwine that learning with other things. Move around the house. Work at the library. Go outside to read. Remember to hug your children all day long. Enjoy learning together. Follow the things they are interested in. They aren't interested in anything good? That's because they don't know what is out there! So get them out there and try new things and let them develop interests! Go to a play. Visit the museum, Take a woodworking class. Go do art. Visit the elderly. Get them out in your community and trying new things and they will soon develop interests you can follow. And remember, piano practice IS school. Art class IS school. Nature walks ARE school.

You can do this!



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