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Quick Start Guide for Homeschooling

Have you decided to pull your kids out of school mid-year and begin homeschooling? Even if you see this post literally days before school starts, don't panic. You can do this. What you need is a quick start guide to get you going. I got you.


Check your state laws. Homeschooling is legal in all 50 states, but each state has its own guidelines to follow. We have to do this right. If you are not in America, check the laws where you live. We want to start out on the right foot. Here is information on ensuring you follow the laws where you live.


Figure out what grades and subjects you will be teaching. Here is some information on grade levels. (Don't worry, it's not hard.) Here is what you need to know about subjects.


Decide on what curricula you will use. Researching curricula is a rabbit hole you could fall down and never climb back out. Let me give you some tips. Please don't purchase a curriculum because you saw someone using it on Instagram/TikTok/Pinterest/Facebook. Please research to be sure it will be a good fit for your family. You probably won't choose 100% correctly the first year, but you will have absolutely useable stuff if you research first. You can change course next year if needed. Do you know any homeschoolers in real life? Ask them. I can't tell you the number of YouTube videos I've seen of someone praising a particular curriculum and then, a year later, a follow-up video about why they will not be using that thing again. Advice from someone in real life who has years of homeschool experience is greater than any YouTuber's advice.

Don't know any homeschoolers? Use the CONTACT form at the top of my website; I will help you for free! Here is how to choose curricula.


Start buying what you need. If money is not a problem, purchase it all, and you are done! You may need to look at other options if you have a tighter budget. Here is some information on how to afford everything.


Carve out a space in your home to do this all in. Again, don't let Pinterest/Instagram, etc. get you down. Real homeschool spaces don't look like that. Comparison is the thief of joy. I have prayed for many years for the Lord to help me figure out one more configuration that will meet our needs in this house, and He always comes through. Here is information on making a homeschool space.


Figure out a school calendar and a schedule for your days. Find more information on calendars here. Help with your schedule can be found here.


Contact me with questions, and I will be happy to help!

Side Note: If your child/children are coming out of a less-than-ideal educational setting, taking a little break from formal schooling may be a good thing. You can still have them read each day, or read to them, practice math facts, and watch educational documentaries while you get organized. Patience will be needed as you help them see that school can be better than they have experienced.

You can do this!

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